Shopping Ban...Day 23
On January 1, 2019, I began a shopping ban, courtesy of a Caitlyn Flanders and her book "A Year of Less." I also took a lot of time combing through my worldly belongings and clothing to weed out what I don't need. Move aside Marie Kondo, Caitlyn Flanders is so much better at this. It's not so much about decluttering as it is about taking stock of what we really need and use and trying not to be so consumer driven. So, the way this Shopping Ban works. Create a list of essentials--things you're allowed to purchase as they are necessities (food, pet care items, medications, etc.) Create a list of non-essentials--not allowed to buy unless something breaks and is an absolute necessity (electronics, clothing, furniture, games, etc.) Create an Approved Shopping List--things that aren't necessities, but items you plan to buy in the next year and are within the budget (Paint & home improvement items, wine (don't judge), vegetable plants, Arcade Expo tick...